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Legacy RDW

Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=400711

I've tested this on cockatrice a few times, and so far it hasn't lost a match!

I need advice on more difficult matchups , what sideboard cards should I use for those decks? There are a few maverick decks at my shop, how does RDW generally do against them?
Posted 31 October 2012 at 02:30


I usually like playing against burn and the decks I usually play are

- Green Sun's Zenith Bant (has swords to plowshares to gain life, heavy counter package, a good clock and options like Rhox War Monk, Umezawa's Jitte (I usually play 3), sometimes a single circle of protection versus red. Jace the Mindsculptor is also suprisingly good against burn once they run low on gas. It also has tutorable Scavenging Ooze which is pretty good) It's still a difficult matchup but I haven't lost one yet.

- StoneBlade control (has batterskull and Umezawa's Jitte + Stoneforge mystic to tutor it and a very heavy counterspell package. I've never lost to burn playing this deck, also has Jace the Mindsculptor)

- UWx Miracles (Counterbalance + Sensei's Divining Top kills burn, other counters, Sphere of Law in sideboard as well as Baneslayer Angel, also has Jace the Mindsculptor)

Against Maverick you have an ok chance with fast burn to the face. Still if they play Noble Hierarch, Noble Hierarch, Qasali Pridemage and pridemage attacks, it's a 5/5 on turn 3, then they swords to plowshare him setting you back quite a bit. They also have multiple Umezawa's Jitte mainboard and tutorable Scavenging Ooze.
Posted 31 October 2012 at 08:13


Sideboarding Sulfuric Vortex will help with Swords, Jitte, Rhox War Monk, and Ooze life gain.

Artifact hate should help with Jitte and Batterskull (or Pithing Needle).

Counterbalance sucks. I expect this matchup to be very difficult if not un-winnable if I cant burn them out in the first couple turns.

Thanks for the help Seth!
Posted 31 October 2012 at 19:56


Pithing needle on sensei's divining top criples miracle decks pretty good (something I found out the hard way:)

There are decks like stax, some merfolk builds and Loam that run chalice of the void and possibly trinisphere. That's probably even worse then countertop lock.

I think Sulfuric Vortex is the best sideboard card for you against most of he field. There's also that enchantment for 2 mana that deals 3 damage each time a player casts a spell of 3 mana or less. You need this against storm combo and elves.

faerie macabre and grafdigger's cage are very good against dredge and reanimator.

Another great sideboard card is ensnaring bridge against combo mostly
Posted 31 October 2012 at 22:40
