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old cards new deck?
hey i havent really played mtg since fallen empires came out, now what i'm trying to do is making a deck on a budget with the cards i have, *restricted cards allowed*
i was wondering if any1 would be able to help me build a deck or give me a general idea what direction i should go with my cards, i am willing to buy some new cards but do not have alot of money.
cards i own are
pretty much all fallen empires as i bouguht a box.
and an assortment of unlimited, where i bought packs
ones of note i think, are mine clones, royal assassins, lure, living wall, ivory tower, library of lang, senger vampire, counter spell, basalisk, dark ritual, Sol Ring, juggernaught, raise dead, phantom monster, drudge skeltons, sea serpants, demonic tutor, steal artifact, reconstruction, netting imp, hypnotic spector. frozen shades, terror, island fish jasconius, , control magic, obsianus golem, unholy strength, air element, drain life, invisibility, wall of air, power sink, bog wrath, zombie master, waekness, power leak, wall of water, prodigal sorcerer, juxtapost, white knight, fireball, shatter, disintigrated, kelden warlord,, craw wurm, giant spider, wall of branble tranquility, giant growth, disenchant.
thanks in advance
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Posted 29 October 2012 at 13:56
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Nearly all of the cards you own are going to be illegal for the standard format since they have not been reprinted in years. Unfortunately, homelands was a rather weak set so most of them aren't going to be worth much even though they're old and you didn't really list off any old $$ cards. (Sol Ring or Demonic Tutor are probably the best things listed)
If you're wanting to get into standard, you will need to buy (or trade for) new cards.
There are plenty of budget decks posted on the site that you can look at to get some ideas. Just saying, give me an idea for a deck is rather vague and isn't going to get you any actual deck suggestions.
Your best option would be to go to the LGS and go through their common/uncommon boxes after getting an idea that you want to build around. The odds are good that most of the cards in those boxes will just be 5-10 cents a piece so you can get started for a few bucks even if the deck list puts them at 15-30 cents per. Some of the more powerful cards will still be worth more but you'll still find most the common/uncommon cards at bargain prices and just have to splurge on some of the better pieces.
From there, start attending some FNM's or prereleases to get practice, trade and possibly win some free prize packs once you start improving.
Posted 30 October 2012 at 11:34
0 posts
thanks alot for the advise man, what would be ur thoughts on a un-restricted format be?
i may just buy a budget deck off here for liike 30$i seen a few but i would like to use some of them maybe in just a fun match with my friend
Posted 31 October 2012 at 23:45
229 posts
I've just purchased one of the event decks that Wizards produce with the intention of using it and upgrading it as and when I get more cards for it! Might be a good way to go for you too...
EDIT: Here's a link to them
Posted 01 November 2012 at 16:15
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