Discussion Forum

Trying to get back into the game

Ok so to say its been a while since I either played or bought new cards is an understatement. But after meeting dome people in my area that play I decided to dust off the vault of cards are start back up. Only problem is there aren't alot of Vintage players around here so most of my cards are useless. So I went out bought a few new ones and am starting to build a new deck. This is what I have so far: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=397336

Its rough and basically a starter deck but I like the idea behind its gameplay. Any suggestions on how to really flesh this deck out would be great (not above wheeling and dealing or out right buying cards). And to give people an idea of how old some of my cards are look and my sideboard for this deck and then understand I have some stuff that goes all the way back to Alpha.
Posted 24 October 2012 at 04:20


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