Discussion Forum

G/W (mostly) Humans

I'm looking for some input on a deck i'm putting together for FNM. This deck is an update to the deck i'm currently running, so i'm about 80% there already. Ideas for sideboard would be great as well.

Selesnya Strike Force
Posted 10 October 2012 at 18:38


I don't know what standard is like these days but you seem to think in terms of, 'I'll put down a lot of creatures and then pump them all up and then win' where I think in terms of 'I need to get as much damage in as possible as fast as possible before my opponent blows up the board and I'm left with no creatures and no cards in hand' which is pretty much how magic works as a general rule.

Supreme Verdict is a very good card and it will destroy your deck so my suggestion is to build a deck that doesn't rely as much on having a bunch of creatures in play. Spells like Collective Blessing and Blessings of Nature are really bad in my opinion. They just cost a lot of mana and don't do anything without creatures.

If you want to pump creatures play rancor, it's probably the best enchantment ever printed and I still can't belive they reprinted it.
Posted 11 October 2012 at 07:38


The deck seams very slow to me. Most games of MTG only last about 10 - 15 turns. Factor in mana drops are normally at turns 1,2,3,6,9,12,15 then that mean any card costing 5 mana should win you the game. If it doesn't then it's not worth putting in your deck in my opinion.
Posted 11 October 2012 at 12:45
