Discussion Forum

Deck Search by > one Card Name (multiple)

Perhaps there is already a way to search for decks that include the name of more than one card but i haven't found it.

I think it would be really useful way to draw on the vast idea's already out there. Filtering deck search by just one card name or color etc, seems too vague/restricted and yields search results that are too large, but if you could search for decks that includes a list of say 3 or 4 (whatever) cards you like then I think it would be more likely that the results would yield decks that you could draw idea's from or would be more willing to comment on because its more likely that its a deck that works in a way you anticipate from the cards it includes, if that makes sense?

Please let me know what you think or if there is already a way to do this. Thanks
Posted 10 October 2012 at 17:13


You can't do this at the minute; but you MAY be able to do it in the new release of the site. Currently working on the deck search page :)

Posted 15 October 2012 at 08:49


Cool thanks
Posted 16 October 2012 at 13:17
