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Deck Challenge: Stagnating Mist

A while ago (few years), a friend gave me a deck of his for my birthday. The main core of the deck is Mist of Stagnation + Planar Void to lock down the opponent after exiling their graveyard with Tormod's Crypt. As time went by, I've altered the deck, replacing support cards with better versions, changing the decks support altogether and verious ideas in between. Today I got the idea that Planar Void should be replaced with Leyline of the Void, but seeing as I don't own any, the Wheel of Sun and Moons I do own could work too.

My challenge to you is to make a deck that uses Mist of Stagnation + Wheel of Sun and Moon as the main lockdown combo. Here are a few suggested support cards:
Tormod's Crypts (removes opponent's graveyard for "free" and adds 1 more card to yours)
Orb of Dreams (makes everything enter the battlefield tapped, further supporting the main combo)
Ebony Owl Netsuke (damages the opponent for having a full hand)
Propaganda and / or Ghostly Prison (helps keep creatures from attacking).
Posted 08 October 2012 at 15:39



This is what I've come up with so far. It's slow though, and the defenses need to be worked on. However with the Jace's Erasure, you can insure that you get cards into your graveyard, the Paradox Hazes ensure that you get more cards untapped during your turn and the Azor's Elocutors give you a good win condition, even if you don't have the Paradox Hazes out, your opponent is going to be locked down so they wont be able to do anything about it.
Posted 18 October 2012 at 05:59


I've improved the deck that I made for this challenge. I think you'll like this version more. It runs faster, and I've improved the defenses, as well as the sideboard.
Posted 18 October 2012 at 10:13
