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Deck Challenge: Mimic Vat

This will hopefully prove challenging and test your card knowledge...

Create a deck that uses Mimic Vat as the win condition. I do not mean put a fatty on Mimic Vat and then swing with the fatty token. If you kill with combat damage, it has to be from a creature named "Mimic Vat".

Other Restrictions:

-Leyline of Singularity must also be utilized. (It CANNOT be circumvented by Mirror Gallery but can be removed at the end if necessary)
-This should not be a slow grind, It can assume a "god hand" or can take as long as necessary to set up but you should be able to win with a single swing or by "going off"

Possible suggested win conditions:

-PERMANENTLY exiling all of your opponents board to cause an unwinnable game state for them.
-Combat damage from a very large Mimic Vat.
-Exiling your own board for a Barren Glory win.
-Anything else you can come up with as long as Mimic Vat is the central combo piece.
Posted 26 September 2012 at 09:03


My entry is a modified version of a deck I just made using mimic vat+mirror mad+laboratory maniac as the main win condition.

I hope you like it.

Posted 30 September 2012 at 03:54


lol....Well its a cheap shot, but: Karn, Silver Golem + Mimic Vat + Followed Footsteps + Coat Of Arms.
Like i said...Its a cheap shot, but it would work. Not well, but would work.
Posted 04 November 2012 at 14:42
