Discussion Forum

Mill Decks

I always enjoy milling and so most my decks center around it.

the first one is my bg standard mill deck which actually does half decent but is a little slow at times.

the second is a deck idea i just got when I decided to fuse milling and burn. lemme know what yall think.
Posted 11 September 2012 at 23:52


How is this a deck challenge?
Posted 12 September 2012 at 12:59


I think you were supposed to present a challenge for others to post their decks as a response to the challenge, so assuming this is a challenge for mill decks, here is my Standard Jace Body Mind Mill deck. If used correctly, your opponent's library will see its way to the graveyard very quickly. It uses flyers to make Sword of Body and Mind easier to pull off, double it up on a flyer and that's+4/+4 and 20 cards from your opponent's library, and with a Jace present thats a 2-turn clock on your opponent's library, it goes bye bye: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=384673
Posted 13 September 2012 at 21:39


I've made this one a few days ago and it was pretty awesome. Please, tell me what you think. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=395593
Posted 16 October 2012 at 05:06
