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CUBE: Revised through Urza block
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Shatter
2x Red Elemental Blast
2x Earthbind
4x Fireball
4x Stone Rain
4x Disintegrate
5 posts
Posted 09 September 2012 at 19:53
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349 posts
Isn't a cube supposed to be singleton? I have one of those high powered cubes with all the insane cards from revised to the latest set. And everyone I've invited, new players and hardcore players all seem to enjoy drafting it.
The place I go to where we play FNM has a commons/uncommons cube and that too seems to be very accessible to both experienced players and new commers.
I can understand your initiative to simplify the game a bit but I think it will just get boring. Magic used to be so straight forward back in the early 90ties, mono colored liniar decks that could do 1 and just 1 thing. Sure I had fun back then but these days its the endless complexity that makes the game so much more then what it used to be. It's far more strategic.
When building a cube you control the powerlevel and the card selection. It's not that difficult to build an interesting pool of cards that everyone is able to enjoy. No need to restrict yourself for the sake of nostalgia.
I take it you've visited this site:
This is my cube (it's not 100% up to date but well enough):
Posted 10 September 2012 at 07:18
212 posts
[QUOTE=downlnk]The focus/reasoning behind this cube is to keep the mechanic simpler and provide a way for friends who got out of this in the 90s, or for brand new people to play. The most frequent complaints I hear about MTG are from people who walk away for a few years and get absolutely trounced if they play casual with anyone playing modern.[/QUOTE]
Why would they get trounced by modern cards? The most broken cards were in Urza's block or prior...
The creatures have gotten inherently stronger since then but the most powerful spells and lands are all older cards and the newer creatures are only making those older cards MORE broken.
The original dual lands are still the strongest mana fixing. The Urza's lands (Cradle, Academy, etc) are still the strongest ramp lands. etc... The best counters are mana drain and force of will.
The power 9? Lotus Petal? Sneak Attack? Survival of the Fittest? Flash? Dark Ritual? Recurring Nightmares? These are all far more powerful than any effect in modern.
Modern has some of these powerful effects but they're all at much higher costs which is relevant.
Also, a cube is singleton. Including playsets of anything lessens the significance of your picks which might as well not be a draft at all.
Posted 18 October 2012 at 07:53
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