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How Would You Build My Deck?
Guys, I have a deck that I've been playing for years. It's focused around exploiting the biggest, nastiest, most unfair fat Fat FAT creatures in the game. It wins.
The skeleton cards for the deck is this:
4 Elvish Piper
4 Elvish Harbinger
4 Defense of the Heart
4 Forbidden Orchard
I also strongly suggest:
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Eternal Witness
The rules for my competition are simple. Build the best 60 card deck you can using the 4 skeleton cards and at MOST a total of 4 other non-creature cards. Appropriate lands are allowed.
Assuming you throw in all of my suggested cards, along with 18-20 other lands, you have room for 12-16(+2 depending on land numbers) creatures and 0-4 other cards.
What would you build!?
If you want to see what I've built along with a detailed explanation and 40+ creature suggestions between the deck and the sideboard, check it out here.
I call it "Fat Fat Fatty".
381 posts
Posted 04 September 2012 at 09:43
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37 posts
Not exactly to the T with your recommendations, but this is my take on the deck idea.
Posted 05 September 2012 at 18:44
3 posts
here is a deck that fits (nearly) all your requirements. I have added all the cardes i romved from the deck posted by you to the sideboard.
The one thing that doesn't fit are the two arbor elfs which i only added for mana propose.
Now the goal is to get emrakul or Iona onto the battlefield, preventing the enemy to cast somthing against it and then just attack him (works best when you add a Triumph of the Hord)
Hope you enjoy the deck :) if you like it leave a comment if not leave a comment, too.
Posted 06 September 2012 at 18:27
291 posts
here's my fatties deck. elf ramp into craterhoof or emrakul. add white for mentor of the meek for drawing increasing devotion to go with craterhoof
Posted 06 September 2012 at 20:53
309 posts
have fun see what would be taken out
revised its mostly mono green still might put snake spirit in
Posted 07 September 2012 at 05:25
3 posts
i rebuild the deck without the massive number of huge creatures focusing on getting the right huge creatures out faster.
Now its a mono green deck featuring an Elf ramp into Emrakul or Moyojin. I start to like the deck now and think it is not longer some kitchen table niveau but rather casual.
The only card without synergy is Forbidden Orchard. I dont realy understand what you want to do with that card in a Fatty deck (exept u realy need all 5 colors).
I would also reccomend to reduce the number of Defense of the Heart as it doesn't do that much usefull stuff in the deck.
Posted 08 September 2012 at 09:42
381 posts
Guys, it seems most people are building with Emrakul.
Two problems.
1 - Emrakul's extra turn ability will not trigger unless he's hard cast, so Piper and Defense will not do it.
2 - So far I haven't seen anything that takes full advantage of Defense of the Heart's ability to bring out two creatures simultaneously beyond "these creatures are big and hard to play without cheating".
If you take a look at my deck all the big creatures can be paired with something else in the deck so that their abilities compliment each other. I talk about all these pairings in my first post. That's what I'm looking for when I look at your decks. :)
Posted 08 September 2012 at 11:24
381 posts
[QUOTE=FirefoxMetzger]i rebuild the deck without the massive number of huge creatures focusing on getting the right huge creatures out faster.
Now its a mono green deck featuring an Elf ramp into Emrakul or Moyojin. I start to like the deck now and think it is not longer some kitchen table niveau but rather casual.
The only card without synergy is Forbidden Orchard. I dont realy understand what you want to do with that card in a Fatty deck (exept u realy need all 5 colors).
I would also reccomend to reduce the number of Defense of the Heart as it doesn't do that much usefull stuff in the deck.[/QUOTE]
Forbidden Orchard is used to trigger Defense of the Heart. Defense of the Heart brings two creatures of my choice directly in to play from anywhere in my deck. My deck is built around creature pairings and having a creature to deal with virtually any other situation. Where's the link to your deck?
Posted 08 September 2012 at 11:28
381 posts
here is a deck that fits (nearly) all your requirements. I have added all the cardes i romved from the deck posted by you to the sideboard.
The one thing that doesn't fit are the two arbor elfs which i only added for mana propose.
Now the goal is to get emrakul or Iona onto the battlefield, preventing the enemy to cast somthing against it and then just attack him (works best when you add a Triumph of the Hord)
Hope you enjoy the deck :) if you like it leave a comment if not leave a comment, too.[/QUOTE]
I would comment but you link is dead. It looks like you copied and pasted the link from when you were editing the deck, so I can't follow it because I don't own your account.
Posted 08 September 2012 at 11:32
3 posts
here is the decklink (again :D).
Yes, i didn't notice the problem with emrakul. and i agree with you that defence of the heart has more potential than i use at the moment. :)
I will look over the deck again and try to think about how to bring in defence of the heart with more synergy.
Posted 08 September 2012 at 20:24
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