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First Pure Green Tribal Build
I'm not claiming to be a pro in any way to magic, but I'm not new to the game in any way. I've been playing for quite a while, but I can always learn new things. Funny thing though is that I've never built a mono green deck before... Funny right? I use green in alot of decks with other colors but never by itself.
I decided to build one today, not an elf though, elves beat the hell of green, it's a pretty popular and strong deck type for green, I prefer to mix colors if I'm gonna do the elf thing anyhow. I built a beast tribal deck, it seems like it would be pretty fun to play. Haven't gotten a chance to try it out against anyone yet. I threw a surprise token bomb in there for fun too, it just worked out too well with what the deck already did.
I would love some input or suggestions on it if you'd be willing to give some.
Tell me what you think..
Beast Tribal
1015 posts
Posted 03 September 2012 at 01:31
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Ok, so the biggest problem right now is that you have almost no ramp. In a beast deck, where you are playing creatures that generally cost at least 3+ you're going to be too slow in hitting the required number of creatures to kill your opponent. You also have lots of enchantments to beef your creatures. Beasts usually don't need that as they're big. the problem with low cost beasts is that they are not as efficient as simply ramping up and putting out a higher cost one on turn 3 or 4.
So I would suggest putting in things like lanowar elves, birds of paradise, or overgrown battlement. You may think about looking at cards like feral throwback or obstinate baloth. And if you decide to run red, fires of yavimaya may work well in this deck along with red burn.
Posted 03 September 2012 at 16:07
1,015 posts
Thank you for your input =]
I can see why you'd say I'd need more mana ramp, (which I might, I haven't gotten to play it out yet) but the majority of my creatures cost 3 or less. I have 8 that cost 3 and 4 that cost 2.. Only two of my creatures exceed 3 mana. The buffs are in there because the creatures I plan on playing are either 2/2, 4/5, or 3/2. Rancor and alpha status are my main buffs for enchantments, then I have increasing savagery to fall back on for more buffs... The canopy covers are just for protection and to make my beasts a little bit harder to block. Not to mention with aura gnarlid and all the enchants out making him unblockable will be a nice touch to this without having to use canopy cover, I can give him rancor and make him to strong to block quickly.
If I play 2 garruks companion and a leatherback then play an alpha status on garruks companion i have a 9/8 with trample, a 3/2 with trample, and a 4/5 out...And I can do that easily by turn 5 along with other things like adding a rancor to the equation on my leatherback...(i also have a game changing card for this deck, I super buff one creature like i showed then drop a fungal sprouting I get 9 or more tokens at once right there)
I have 2 harrows for a very small amount of mana ramp, I might change this to put more in or choose a better mana ramp, but I want to keep every creature in this deck true to the tribal and be all beasts.
I think with lignify and prey upon as my makeshift removals I'll be ok in that department, but your mana ramping suggestions is on my mind... Since my creatures I plan on playing the most are pretty low cost I was thinking I could get away with barely any mana ramp ( 2 harrows), but that might not be the case.
And I do plan on keeping it pure green, as much as I love playing dual colors, I wanted to keep this mono.
Thank you though for your thoughts on it.
Posted 03 September 2012 at 18:12
1,015 posts
I was thinking about possibly removing the lignifys ( i liked them because they could stop those pesty creatures I cant kill with prey upon) and removing both harrows to add 4 wild growths and 1 more prey upon.... just thoughts right now, I'm not sure quite what I'm gonna do yet.... and I really liked that obstinate baloth, I might take out the kalonian behemoth and the thragtusk for 2 of those.... any other ideas?
I would have to buy the Obstinates and the wild growths tho, dont have any readily available at the moment...
Posted 04 September 2012 at 01:16
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