Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge: Post-Rotation Zombies

The challenge is to make a Zombie deck that's post rotation so that in October it will still be standard. But to also either include ways to add up some counters for the creatures and/or to add life gain, deathtouch, and intimidate. Preferably faster pace to go up against fast token decks, werewolves, etc.

Enjoy. :)
Posted 18 August 2012 at 07:27


Well i never got the chance to use this zombie deck with the new changes i made but, its based around pumping tokens out and a combo with the unbreathing horde and mikaeus the unhallowed, with endless ranks of the dead very deadly combo.

So heres my deck so far and it should be good in standard for awhile.

Main deck: 60


1 mikaeus the unhallowed

3 gravecrawler

4 black cat

3 geralf's messenger

3 unbreathing horde

3 dread slaver


1 liliana of the dark realms


2 mutilate

3 bone splinters

3 moan of the unhallowed

3 tragic slip

2 endless ranks of the dead

2 diabolic revelation

1 gravepurge

2 demonmail hauberk

4 vile rebirth


20 swamp
Posted 20 August 2012 at 06:25



Here is a zombie deck I made for Post rotation, when mirrodan drops out. It's a bit more midrange, but it is still pretty quick with grave crawler and diregraf captain. And with rooftop storm, and Grimgrin, you can just continually sacrifice geralf's messenger and/or gravecrawler, and just beat them into a bloody pulp. And with Blood Artist and Diregraf on the field and sacing your zombies you will be doing 2 damage every time one of them dies ;)

Hope you like it!
Posted 20 September 2012 at 13:50
