Discussion Forum

Peasant's Faux Combo

the challenge is to make a deck using seemingly useless cards, otherwise known as block-fillers, to create an unexpected synergy.


the deck must be Standard, and if any M12 or SoM block cards are used, replacements for when these cards phase out must be provided, if possible.

you are NOT allowed to use cards that have seen plenty of competitive play, and/or are commonly seen in the popular deck archetypes of today. (yes, i'm talking about you, Delver. t(>.
please refrain from using any mythic rares in the deck, unless you can justify doing so. if at all possible, build the deck using mainly commons and uncommons. rares must also be justified.

at least 85 to 90% of the deck must be commons and uncommons, if possible.

if multiple colors are involved, please find a way to balance out the lands without the use of Dual lands. if this is really not possible, please limit the use of dual lands to a half-set each.

bonus points go to the more competitive ideas.

finally, SURPRISE ME. get creative, and have fun. that's what Magic is about.

happy brewing!
Posted 10 August 2012 at 17:34



I just wanted to give your challenge a shot. I tried the most obvious budget combo I could think of, which is Cleaver Riot and/or Trumpet Blast applied to a bunch of goblins.


The deck has no rares or mythics, but could obviously be improved dramatically with, say, Krenko Mob Boss. Let me know what you think.
Posted 10 August 2012 at 18:21


Here's my budget green.

Posted 14 August 2012 at 01:46
