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Looking to learn some deck building tips!

Hey guys, the name's Ryan, but online people call me MoRpHaZe. I'm a big video game geek, I love Mortal Kombat and Halo like no other. I'm also a big Magic the Gathering fan. I haven't played in almost a decade, but back in highschool I loved to play. I wasn't ever great, and I'm still not, but I recently got back into it, and I've started making some serious purchases on MTG 2013 cards. I'd appreciate any help you all can give me to help me keep up to date on setting up great decks. I love participating in Booster Draft nights, but since I suck at setting up decks, I tend to get myself into trouble and lose very early on in games. I know the basics, like you need X amount of land, X amount of spells / artifacts etc etc. I usually run with a 60 card deck and no more. But after the basics of that, I'm kind of lost. I tend to favor red decks but I'm really looking to build a very nice blue / white deck, and would love opinions on how to set up a succesful one for a booster draft night at FNM. I'll take any and all advice that I can get from you guys. But I'm not just new to MTG all over again, but I'm also quite new to these forums, and I'd love to make some friends as well... so feel free to visit my profile and creep on my pictures, I've uploaded a few for you all to scope out so you can get an idea of the kind of guy I am, and the friends I know!
Other than that, thanks again and hope to make some great friends who can help me delve into the wild, complicated and fun world of deck building in MTG! Thanks again for keeping me company while I'm stuck at work wishing I was at home playing that new ZOMBIES!!! expansion I got lol.
Posted 23 July 2012 at 20:09


I've been playing for two years and am still learning. The first deck I built was a miserable vampire deck that got owned at my local friday night magic. After repeatably getting my ass handed to me, I got better. The best advice I can give you is: play against opponents that you know are much better than you. After the game ask them questions and maybe for advice :)

You could always put a deck up here and that way people would be able to pin-point exactly what cards your putting in that bring down your decks.

best of luck to you.
Posted 23 July 2012 at 22:29


Thanks! I'll have to do that.
Posted 23 July 2012 at 23:06


watch the pros play and listen to why they use what they use. but the best thing you can possibly do is to learn how the stack works. the fastest way to win a game against a noob that has good cards is to know how to manipulate the rules against them.

this page is very informative about the stack

a massive mistake that people make when building decks is to leave out cards that don't exactly follow the deck's purpose, for example; lots of people build token decks without any control thinking; "if i leave out the control i can put in more things that are focused on by the deck" but if you put in a few dead weights and o-rings in stead of your lesser token producers then you can take out the biggest threats; (Plainswalkers, huntmasters, delvers, pods, the list goes on.) most decks have a few key cards. if you remove these key cards they lose control, and then you stampede them with a slightly smaller then normal horde of tokens.
the same goes for control decks; often a control player will fill their deck with control but not enough win cons, they eventually play their bombs, but they just get killed by o rings and doom blades.

hope i helped,
Posted 24 July 2012 at 01:14


I'm just getting back into MTG for the first time in almost 10 years as well. Here's a brief explanation of Booster Draft that helped me a bit. It explains the B.R.E.A.K acronym and how it can help you draft more efficiently.

Hope this helps some! :D

Posted 24 July 2012 at 05:24


Thank you all! The above information is a huge help and MUCH appreciated! Can't wait for FNM now! :)
Posted 24 July 2012 at 18:35


Here are some basic tips for building decks.
Posted 26 July 2012 at 09:20
