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U/R deck...giving it a go!

hey guys, I have given up on my R/U/W deck and will be creating a U/R deck...this is what I have so far...any help/advice would be greatly appreciated :)

I am unsure if i should keep the delvers or the vexing devils / slumbering dragons or all 3...i've been trying to figure out how to use these damn slumbering dragons, and i think this may be the type of deck for it...

thanks in advance for any thoughts / advice / criticism :)

creatures: 17
4x Snapcaster Mage
4x Augur of bolas
3x delver of secrets
3x vexing devil / slumbering dragon
3x thundermaw hellkite

spells: 22
4x incinerate
4x mana leak
3x peel from reality
3x vapor snag
3x bonfire of the damned
2x thoughtscour
2x reverberate
1x temporal mastery

lands 21
11x island
6x mountain
4x sulfur falls

Posted 22 July 2012 at 11:43


so, i suppose my questions for this deck are:

1) do delvers belong in this deck? or is my affinity for this one drop unfounded?

2) vexing devils or slumbering dragons? i don't have room for both, and I know i overvalue vexing devils while i undervalue slumbering dragons...i've been waiting for a proper deck to use slumbering dragons, and i think it makes some sense here...what do you think?

3) i have an affinity for burn cards, so i'm going against my instincts to throw more burn in this deck (perhaps dropping the thought scours and reverberates for more burn)...for now, the burn in this deck is to take out the opponents creatures to make way for my dudes....

4) I really like the snap caster / peel from reality / vapor snag / augur of bolas portion of the deck...but i feel it could use more card draw...any thoughts besides the thought scours? maybe some ponders?

5) i'm pretty sure i should be dropping the reverberates, does anyone think otherwise? :)

as far as a sideboard goes, i was thinking a few witch bane orbs and some tormods crypts...besides that, i'm unsure...any suggestions for sideboard cards for this deck?
Posted 22 July 2012 at 12:00


game 1 i think delvers are quite ok... it will let your opponent think with arch type you're playing and maybe board to match that, to where you pull out the delvers and turn the deck to either more control, or more burn/aggro... othervise have you had a chance to try talrand? with all the instand/sorceries provided by your burnspells, he's more or less an army of 2/2 fliers in one card... (if you can keep him on the board that is...)

for land base, i could see a few cavern of souls naming wizards or dragons (or both if you have 2)

Posted 23 July 2012 at 07:40


thanks for the reply!

good point on the delvers for g1...i can easily side those out for more burn for g2..

i also like the talrand idea...hmmm i keep wanting to avoid throwing in more burn, but it seems so right! my biggest fear for this deck is that it doesn't have enough firepower....it like a control deck without a lot of control, and a burn deck without enough burn...

i definitely feel you on the cavern of souls as well...definitely will add those to main when i score some :)

thanks again!
Posted 23 July 2012 at 08:53


for more burn, the innistrad block offers PLENTY! they actually made one of the event decks based on that... brimstone volley is a card i would look at... gut shot a dude, and 5 dmg follow up... :)
Posted 23 July 2012 at 09:26


Ideas for deck

choose between Snapcaster or Archaeomancer. Youre either going to flash them back with snapcaster, or bring them to your hand to recast them.. Do you want to threaten your opponents with a mana leak, and have them bait it out on something bad? Or be sneaky and not show that you have a snapcaster, and then flash him in. thats your choice.

Keep Delvers, I mean really, you're running blue. enough sorceries/instants, says 3 damage turn 2, which is awesome

Try using Pillar of Flame. Deals 2 damage to a creature, if i dies this way exile it. Say goodbye to opposing delvers, insectile abberations, talrands, strangleroot geists (both first time and second time gg) huntmasters, etc!

Personally i say


1x mana leak
3x peel from reality
2x reverberate


3x ponder or index
1x vapor snag
1x delver

maybe consider Negates?

You want the ponders in order to set up your delver flips, as well as your bonfires/mastery accordingly.

Some ideas. You can check out my UR deck here if you'd like to see some ideas.

you can also playtest it here


Or an older UR Delver deck

Posted 24 July 2012 at 06:32


thanks for the input :)

I have looked at a lot more UR Delver decks since reading your post...

Calcano's UR Delver deck that won the Minneapolis GP is a nice starting point..There is also a UR Delver deck wins-type (which just has more burn and RDW type of stuff in it) which i like...

I need to mull this over a bit, and do some more testing..

Thank you for your recommendations, I appreciate it :)
Posted 25 July 2012 at 04:37


for now, my UR Delver is looking something like this:

9 Island
9 Mountain
4 Sulfur Falls

4 Delver of Secrets/Insectile Aberration
4 Snapcaster Mage
4 Stromkirk Noble
2 Thundermaw Hellkites

3 Incinerate
3 Pillar of flame
3 Arc Trail
2 Bonfire of the Damned
2 Brimstone Volley

4 Vapor Snag
4 Ponder
3 Mana Leak

I haven't settled on a sideboard...probably some smelts (for artifact removal), 2x bonfires for aggro decks, some mark of mutiny for mid-large R/G creature decks, and some reverberates (there are a lot of RDW decks in my FNM meta)...

Any thoughts are welcome :)
Posted 25 July 2012 at 04:44
