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Pure White, Weenie Whites Aggro Deck. New player, first deck. please advice/comment

Hi everyone, I'm very new to the MTG Card Game and have found it absolutely enthralling so far. My friend helped me out by building a deck that I discussed with him regarding my playstyle, what I feel like doing etc. and the following is what he/we came up with.


Angelic overseer x2
Odric, master tactician x2
Doomed traveller x4
Mentor of the meek x2
Thaben doomsayer x2
Elite inquisitor x4
Champion of the parish x4
Fiend hunter x2
Elite vanguard x3



Oblivion ring x 4
Honour of the pure x 2
Gather the townsfolk x4
Sword of body and mind x 2



[Basic Land] Plains x 22

fifty nine cards in total


I was wondering what you guys thought of this deck and if you had any advice in how to play this deck more effectively, or what additions/omissions I could make.

I am currently also pondering the addition of the following cards.. could you please tell me what you all think?

1. Zealous Strike
2. x 1 Elite Vanguard
3. x 1 Fiend Hunter
4. x 1 Mentor of the meek
5. x 1 Relinquary Tower

1. Just wondering what advantages Doomed Traveller really offers.. not 100% sure if it's worth it / if I could have other better creatures instead
2. I am thinking of addition "Silver-Inlaid Dagger". Is this card worth it?
3. Should I add x1 "Pacifism"?
4. Should I add x1 Zealous Strike?
5. Would adding a Serra Avenger be worth it? What is exactly good about this card?

Thank you very much for your input!
Posted 21 July 2012 at 07:04


in my opinion, white weenie decks got a great boost with the m13 core set...here are some very nice white cards which would fit in your deck from m13:

4x captains call (who doesn't need three 1/1 weenies for two mana?)
4x aljani's sunstriker (2/2 lifelink for two mana)
3x or 4x safe passage (all damage prevented for a turn)
3x or 4x angel's mercy (you gain 7 life)
1x or 2x erase in your main or sideboard for pesky enchantments

4x crusader of odric (perfect for weenie decks)
2x-4x knight of glory (perfect for playing vs B)
4x serra angels (the glorious serra angel...)
4x serra avenger (3/3 flyer for 2 mana? come on)
2x or 3x serra avatar (huge mana cost, but a game winner)...

there is also attended knight, and a lot of other strong white weenies you can get on the cheap...

if you have some $$$ to spend, look at sublime archangel

oh, and of course there is the awesome m12 uncommon 'timely reinforcements'...a must-have in a white deck, even if it's getting rotated out in 6 weeks or so...

hope this helps!
Posted 22 July 2012 at 11:16
