Discussion Forum

Still needs work...


This is what i'm trying to work with. Any suggestions?
Posted 18 July 2012 at 16:14


get rid of the Mind Sculpts, milling cards are useless unless you go all-in on them.

replace them with some Rampant Growths, it'll help you fix your mana and hit those 5 drops sooner
Posted 18 July 2012 at 18:07


Solid point.
Posted 18 July 2012 at 18:12


Solemn Simulacrum could also server a very flexible way to fetch lands and curve out for those big guys just itching to be cast. The main downside is you may have to fork over a couple bones just to purchase a play set that'll be rotating October 6th.

Other things I noted were the 3 Unsummons. Don't get me wrong, I love bounce effects, but until the past expansion and coreset ships out you might as well play Vapor Snag if you can get them. Same card, but the 1 damage to an opponent adds up, especially if you get to recycle them with the last suggestion I have:

Snapcaster Mage.. or Achaeomancer, whichever floats your boat. Being able to recycle spells in a Delver archetype really puts it over the top. I've seen anything from a single copy to four-of-a-kind depending on what tickles your fancy.

The rest is really up to you, and these are just my opinions. If you want more on my take on :manau::manag: check out my thread or click here.
Posted 18 July 2012 at 21:31
