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RDW_inni to m13 deck advice

Hellow! Brand new to the forums, and I am just looking to get some comments/advice on this RDW deck I constructed for FNM...

I'm just getting back into MTG for the first time in about 15 years...I'm focusing mainly on cards from Innistrad to M13, as I have little interest in re-doing my entire deck once Oct. 5th hits :)

My main questions are about which spells i should add/delete...I know incinerate will be phased out shortly, but I have a lot of burn cards to substitute...I'm also unsure of the balance between magma quake / volcanic geyser...I have noticed that my deck runs out of steam on the 5th or 6th turn...maybe i should score a couple of thundermaws? maybe hell riders?

and then of course, the ring of valkas...it's in my sideboard at the moment, but there have been many games where I wish it were in play (and also quite a few where I haven't noticed it missing at all)...

The purpose of this deck is NOT to go win some real tournaments (i'm not insane) :o, it is just to be able to be competitive in some Friday night magic tourneys...

Any thoughts, advice, or constructive criticism is more than welcome.

Thanks in advance!

Creatures: 18
4x vexing devil
4x stromkirk noble
4x slumbering dragon
3x torch fiend
3x stonewright

Spells: 22
4x incinerate
4x Brimstone volley
4x reverberate
4x Thunderous Wrath
2x volcanic geyser
2x magmaquake
2x pillar of flame

20 mountains
60 cards

4x Ring of valkas
4x smelt
2x pillar of flame
2x magmaquake
2x volcanic geyser
1x torch fiend

here is the link to the deck on MTG Vault:
Posted 16 July 2012 at 23:05


i would switch;
4 slumbering dragon - 2 thundermaw hellkite, 2 chandra's pheonix
3 torch fiend, 3 stonewright - 2 grim lavamancer,
2 magmaquake, 3 reverbrate - 1 whipflare, 4 bonfire of the damned
2 pillar of flame, 2 volcanic greyser - 3 devil's play, 1 galvanic blast

if you dont understand why i say these things then plz tell me an i will explain.
Posted 17 July 2012 at 04:14


[QUOTE=FFS L]i would switch;
4 slumbering dragon - 2 thundermaw hellkite, 2 chandra's pheonix
3 torch fiend, 3 stonewright - 2 grim lavamancer,
2 magmaquake, 3 reverbrate - 1 whipflare, 4 bonfire of the damned
2 pillar of flame, 2 volcanic greyser - 3 devil's play, 1 galvanic blast

if you dont understand why i say these things then plz tell me an i will explain.[/QUOTE]

thank you for the reply!

well, i don't have any thundermaw's at the moment but will try to score a couple...replacing the slumbering dragons does make some sense, as they only help me if i score one in my starting hand...

i have some lavamancers i can put in, but i like the torch fiends for killing artifacts (i.e. sword of war and peace)...maybe i can switch the lavamancers in for the 3x stonewright's?

pulling the 2xpillars, 2x magmaquakes, and volcanic geysers for 4x devil's play and 2x bonfires is something i can do ( i only have 2x bonfires )...

why the singular galvanic blast, out of curiosity? also, i like the reverberates in my deck...great for countering counterspell type instants and for doubling the thunderous wraths...

thanks again! I will make a few changes :)
Posted 17 July 2012 at 04:41


oh yeah, what are your thoughts on the ring of valkas? should i throw 1 or 2 in? or remove them completely?
Posted 17 July 2012 at 04:44


I made some changes, decided to get rid of the ring of valkas altogether...

any comments / advice / criticism is more than welcome :D

M13 standard RDW deck

Creatures: 18
4x vexing devil
4x stromkirk noble
3x thundermaw hellkite
3x slumbering dragon
2x grim lavamancer
2x torch fiend

Spells: 22
4x incinerate
*3x bonfire of the damned
3x pillar of flame
3x Devil's play
3x reverberate
3x Brimstone volley
3x Thunderous Wrath

Lands: 20
16x mountains
4x sulfur falls
60 cards

4x smelt
4x stonewright
3x magmaquake
2x torch fiend
1x bonfire of the damned
1x reverberate

Posted 18 July 2012 at 04:18


i'm still going back and forth on the slumbering dragons...they are nice to have at times, but at other times seem like a waste...

also, i haven't had time to test the deck very much with the lavamancer's put in there...perhaps I should replace those with stonewright's?

the deck seemed to play a lot faster with the stonewright's in the deck, and i like that...i'm going to stay away from the chandra's phoenix...T3 is usually when i'll be burning a creature or two to make way for my noble / vexing devil...

any thoughts?

thanks again for any help in advance...
Posted 18 July 2012 at 04:21


[QUOTE=NiiLoC]i'm still going back and forth on the slumbering dragons...they are nice to have at times, but at other times seem like a waste...

also, i haven't had time to test the deck very much with the lavamancer's put in there...perhaps I should replace those with stonewright's?

the deck seemed to play a lot faster with the stonewright's in the deck, and i like that...i'm going to stay away from the chandra's phoenix...T3 is usually when i'll be burning a creature or two to make way for my noble / vexing devil...

any thoughts?

thanks again for any help in advance...[/QUOTE]

I think you could drop Devils Play down to 1, and Reverberate down to 2 and maybe get some card draw in there instead? that's the only thing I see this deck lacking :)
Posted 18 July 2012 at 08:25


I have to agree with @Jestrix here, I'd cut back my Devil's Play and Reverberate to 1 main deck. My main reason is that too often I watch my room mate ( a devoted Red Mage) cram his RDW with these thing's and more often than not do they sit in his hand.

I think this is also due to how creature-demanding the Standard format is now. You need dudes, and the dudes these days are packing some very nice effects. Red is no exception.

If you haven't already, try Zealous Conscripts. Everything on my board becomes a problem once he hits- especially Planeswalkers- and in my opinion he's arguably one of the best Red creature spells we have in Standard at the moment.

Stonewright's are also fun, and if you enjoy soulbound maybe a couple Lightning Mauler's are a good fit for your deck as well.

This leads me to the last bomb that can sneak in all sorts of damage out of no where.. Hellrider. I don't think I need to lark on about this guy as it's pretty obvious how brutal he is..

Anyways, hope the deck comes along nicely and that you have a blast torching many opponents! ;)
Posted 18 July 2012 at 21:50


thank you for your thoughts, jestrix and jeremyseth...

I have made a few changes...I agree that there was still too much x burn between the bonfires / devil's play...I also think the magmaquakes in my sideboard were serving very little purpose...so, I believe i'll keep 2x bonfires and 2x devil's play in my main, or possibly 3x bonfires with 1x devil's play...haven't decided yet, but will do some testing...

I have decided to cut the reverberates down to 2 in my main deck, and keeping two in my sideboard (for the multiple blue/green decks packed with manaleaks / negates/ rewinds etc that i face)...

Concerning creatures, zealous conscripts is a new idea to myself...I used to run 4x act of treasons, but this idea with running zealous conscripts is intriguing...i only wish the mana cost was 4 instead of 5 :)

I do have 4x hellriders to toss in...these were replaced by my slumbering dragons which i have been going back and forth on...hmmm you have raised some interesting questions...I have some testing to do!

thanks again for the advice / ideas!
Posted 18 July 2012 at 23:43


ok, I made some changes after taking some of the above advice...

I went down to 3x bonfires / 1 devil's play, and down to 2x reverbs...I decided to go back to the hell riders over the slumbering dragons for now, but i am worried about mana issues...I added 2 more mountains bc i'm running the hell riders...

it's a tough call: 3x slumbering dragons and an extra burn spell vs 3x hell riders and 1 or 2 extra lands...hmmmm

i will need to test this out more...

Here is the current deck, it's getting tight at the end...

Creatures: 18
4x vexing devil
4x stromkirk noble
3x thundermaw hellkite
*3x hell rider
2x grim lavamancer
2x torch fiend

Spells: 20
4x incinerate
4x pillar of flame
3x Thunderous Wrath
3x Brimstone volley
*3x bonfire of the damned
2x reverberate
1x Devil's play

Lands: 22
18x mountains
4x sulfur falls
60 cards

4x smelt
4x stonewright
2x magmaquake
2x torch fiend
2x reverberate
*1x bonfire of the damned

Posted 18 July 2012 at 23:53
