Discussion Forum

Mono-white Exalted

Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=362041

So I am seeing that some people are saying that Mono-white is dead in M13...

Well Here's a deck thats sure, to slow or put an end to that negative talk.

So the exalted triggers sure do stack on each other. Meaning that if you have a Sublime Archangel out wich states "Others Creatures you control have exalted." means that all you creatures, INCLUDING the exalted creatures already have a, or another trigger of exalted.

If Youd like to Playtest the deck if you have doubts of things, heres a link


Also other new Standard ideas in there, such as UR Stuffy Delver, etc.
Posted 16 July 2012 at 01:24


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