Discussion Forum

Sarcatog defense?

I've only been playing Magic for about a year and a half and I'm usually pretty good at defending against very experienced players with very good decks.

Lately one player is using a Sarcatog in conjunction with a card that allows him to act as if the first card in his library, is in his hand. (I can't seem to find the card doing a search, I'm almost sure it's an Enchantment). He basically uses to to sacrifice the top cards of his library (as if they were in his hand) builds the Sarcatog up and then attacks with something extremely high.

I was wondering if anyone has some advice as to how to counter some of this? I've tried running a mill deck, but he just waits until his turn, cycle half his library and goes for it. If anyone can think of a good card/combo that would help slow him down in term of using his library as his hand, I would love it! He plays the deck every week and always takes me out first and I'd like to get a fighting chance!
Posted 06 July 2012 at 18:14


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