Discussion Forum

A bit of a dilemma

I have decided to add white to a red-blue artifact deck that i played last night. It's basically the Metalcraft intro deck from Scars of Mirrodin with a few cuts and upgrades in the golem-producing and metalcraft-using area.
The dilemma I have is a choice of one or the other: either trim out all the red for the white, adding in supporting cards for metalcraft and such, or trim the whole of the deck enough to where i can put in the white that I want to add.

I can see how doing either/or would be advantageous, and i can see the downfall of both. I was just wondering what the general populous of the forums has to say on this matter.
^^ thanks!!!
P.S. the formula for the deck i used is here ---> http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=353861
Posted 30 June 2012 at 21:26


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