Discussion Forum

B/U Deck, need tinkering

Hi folks, ive been tinkering and tweaking this deck for a couple of weeks (getting to playtest every 4-5 days against other decks). Most of the time I do fairly well, multiple win conditions etc. The longer the game goes the stronger my deck gets (makes it harder on control decks which i love). But against very fast aggro decks (Boros Humans, mono black infect, etc) i have a much harder time surviving unless i draw a good suite of removal right away.

Any suggestions to make this deck a little more viable against very fast aggro?


My sideboard isnt listed yet, but I've got some Darksteel artifacts lined up, grafdiggers cages, witch bane orbs...but i'm quite open to idea's (though i will always have 3 surgical extractions in my sideboard, too useful to not have).
Posted 13 June 2012 at 04:42


I traded for my 4th Black Sun's Zenith, as well as 3 Life's Finale. I'm really not sure which direction i should go with the removal, IMO both are good. Expensive, but good. I'm just fairly stuck on getting past turns 4-5 against fast aggro. If i can last that long i can completely turn things around thanks to mass amounts of lifegain.
Posted 18 June 2012 at 04:50
