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Mono green standard deck


i play mtg since 2 months so i made a mono green deck and played some FNM with it, won some games and lost some.

I just wanted to aks if some one can give me tips or adjustments.


Thanx a bunch!
Posted 12 June 2012 at 08:28


I would take out 2x Unnatural Predation, and throw in x2 Increasing Savagery (for 4). I would also figure out how to get a few Rampant Growths for some increased mana ramp. To sweeten the deck up a little more, add a Primordial Hydra if you can get your hands on one. I would get 2-4 Naturalizes in your side deck at least (I know you got the 3 drop version, which might work better in your deck overall with a healthy mana supply).

Overall, nice build for being so new. :D
Posted 12 June 2012 at 23:47


I agree, a very good deck for being so new. My suggestions (in addition to what was already said) is that Garruk, Primal Hunter is far happier in that deck than Garruk Relentless, if you can get one or two more Primal Hunter and sideboard the Relentless to act as removal against opposing Garruks. I also think dropping titanic growth and revenge of the hunted would be good in favor of Prey Upon and/or Hunger of the Howlpack.

In the sideboard i would also drop the Ambush Vipers and add one more Perilous Myr and 2 more Autumn's Veil. Perilous Myr is green's best and only hope against Mirran Crusaders and Autumn's Veil helps shut down blue counter spells and black removal.
Posted 13 June 2012 at 05:31
