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Standard Deck Development
Jace Mill
So with standard ending soon and M13 coming out soon, I'm not sure what i'll be replacing some of the stuff with, but anyways, I'm looking for some feedback about my Jace mill deck. I'll definitely be taking it into next standard, (possibly replacing the cards I have with mulch, tracker's instincts, dream twist and alchemist's apprentice). At the moment the deck is a draw/mill deck that focuses on a couple things
a) getting creatures into the graveyard (I do this by having 20 creatures in the deck and playing Merfolk Looter and Thought Scour, guaranteeing i'll have at least a couple in the graveyard if all I get is those cards)
b) drawing cards so that I a) don't run out of land and b) can continue my strategy of getting creature cards in the graveyard
Jace's Erasure is a pretty badass card in this deck since I can have up to 12 cards in my graveyard on turn 3 (which mind you would require getting all 4 dreamtwists, more likely that I get 9). Obviously it also synergizes well with stuff like Merfolk Looter, Jace, Ponder, etc.
I'm also vaguely thinking of playing an opponent mill deck next block with the new Jace's Phantasm and Mind Sculpt. Turn 2 5/5 Flyer is pretty good, but obviously it would be for fun since Milling your opponent is never that great.
Anyways, I'm rambling.
there's the deck link, thanks if you do leave a comment or like it :)
35 posts
Posted 06 June 2012 at 17:00
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