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Help me evaluate two Standard tourney decks for this weekend
I'm going to a Standard Constructed tourney this weekend. I've been really working at trying to have a decent, competitive deck for this tourney. I have two possibilities, both of which test well, but I'm looking for comments or criticism on them. Here's the choices:
More Braaaaaaaaaains -->
Oh, the Humanity! -->
THey both have their strengths, and weaknesses. I played a mini-tourney with the untuned version of the B/U zombie deck, and didn't fair well (especially against Red sligh, it seemed), but this new version playtested very strongly, especially against G/W humans. The G/W deck is my mash-up of my buddy's killer Human deck, and some tricks I picked up last weekend. It still needs some work, but even then, can be a beast (case in point.... in testing this weekend, in a 3-game match, twice it had Angel of Glory's Rise on board on turn 3).
As always, comments and commentary are requested. 8)
22 posts
Posted 22 May 2012 at 02:45
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709 posts
Use the Humans deck, but take out Divine Reckoning for another Gavony Township.
Posted 22 May 2012 at 20:43
22 posts
I managed to pick up 2 Thalias and 4 Fiend Hunters today. I'm thinking og subbing the Divine Reckoning out for a Thalia, and running two Fied Hunters in the sideboard instead. Thoughts?
Posted 23 May 2012 at 22:05
709 posts
The Thalias should be included in the deck, the Fiend Hunters should be able to find a split between maindeck and sideboard.
Posted 24 May 2012 at 19:15
25 posts
For the zombies, I would take out 2 unbreathing hordes at least, for adding 2 cemetary reapers maybe, or 3 for 3. I would slip some doom blades in there, along with 2 or 3 leviatations, taking out infinite reflection would be my choice being a 6 drop and all. And add a few more 1 drop zombies, if anything, for a creature to exile from your gy when you need to.
Posted 03 June 2012 at 20:00
18 posts
For Zombies: (BTW awesome deck name)
Wondering what creature you would be using Reflection on?
My personal opinion would be
-2x unbreathing horde
-1 cellar door
-2x Infinite Reflection
+3 Black cat(awesome sacrificial lamb)
+1 Grimgrin,Corpse born.
Demonmail Haubrek would be awesome here too.
For Humanity:
Not a bad build at all, Not my play style but not bad.
I wonder about Mayor being in there. just feels like you could work in something more for control like you have with angel of glory's rise. maybe Grand abolisher?
Posted 04 June 2012 at 22:03
22 posts
Well, I went to a standard tourney this weekend. Played the BRAAAAAAAAINS Deck. BAAAAAAAAAD idea.
First round - vs. RUG Delver. First game, I started with 1 island, and 6 1- and 2-drop black cards. Figured I would get my swamp and be in business. Went 6 draws before I saw anoher mana. Dead. Second round was better, was holding my own, until he started putting down multiple Huntsmasters, whose constant flipping killed zombies faster than I could create them. Bad.
Second round - vs. green Zoo(?): he was running a green deck with lots of fatties. Frist game.... well, at one point I milled him for 36 cards with my zombies/Undead Alchemist combo. I won 8). Second round, mana locked, he took it. Third round.... insanity. I was ahead, churning out Zombies like crazy. I had my Diregraf Captains out, so I had my opponen down to 1 life. If I hit him, he died. If he blocked any of my zombies and killed them, he died. So, on his last gasp chance, he hit..... Platinum Emperion (which means his life total can't change). Now, he starts coming back, but he puts out a Phyrexian Vatmother, which is slowly killing him. However.... he also hit Primordial Hydra. It's a race.... I have lots of removal in my deck, but do you think I could hit ANY of it? I eventually get killed by his 96/96 trampling Primordial Hydra. Sick.
Third round - vs. W/G Spirited Angels. First round, held my own, but eventually get overrun from Increasing Devotions and Lingering Souls. Second round, I'm hitting Sever the Bloodlines, I'm hitting Killing Waves, I'm hitting everything but the kitchen sink.... and then Entreat the Angels and Avacyn (which meant my Bone Splinters were suddenly quite useless) kills me dead.
So, until I can get Grimgrins and Geralf's Messengers, this deck is retired. Gravecrawlers are nice for powering sac spells, but SUCK once your opponent starts turning out creatures. Also, found out my evil plan of using Infintie Reflections on Undead Alchemist to create exponential milling won't work... because it's a replace effect, I would still only get one mill effect, but could exponentially produce zombies from the revealed cards. Bleh.
The only plus on the whole weekend was buying some Avacyn boosters, and getting a foil Vexing Devil.
Back to the drawing board.....
Posted 08 June 2012 at 04:03
5 posts
i know you lost already and it sucks but i looked at your zombie deck and i put a tips there i havent put my zombies on here yet but if you like i can as with all decks its a bit tempermental but its feasable to get turn 5 wins regularly and aside from the occasional mana screw or extreme creature hate it usually does
Posted 08 June 2012 at 15:12
22 posts
Well, the Zombies still have possibilities, but need some major tuning. I'm kinda hard up for buying cards right now (plus, all the cards I need are RIDONKULOUSLY expensive), so I'm working on tuning my Oh, The Humanity deck, and (since I finaly got 4 Lashwrithes) tuning my Plague Vector infection deck into something nice and stompy. 8)
Posted 10 June 2012 at 16:38
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