Discussion Forum

Heartless Lockdown


This is the deck in UB I am running right now. It's fairly solid and I have not run into much trouble with it yet. Esper Control gave a bit of trouble, and some hyper fast hands from humans have also.

Would always enjoy comments and constructive feedback. Thanks.
Posted 19 May 2012 at 19:20


I looked at your deck and had a few quick questions: Is the Flicker and Alchemy a big part of your game? Is it just to work with the havengul lich or is there something else Im missing?

Looks good in any case. I run a similar but more standardized version linked here: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=317271
Posted 20 May 2012 at 22:08


The forbidden alchemy is huge in the later game. I have never been unhappy to draw it as it allows me to piece the combos in.

I have won games with multiple methods. Either shooting them to death, smashing them with titans, or even causing spontaneous explosions with Massacre Wurm. In the present Meta around me I am considering putting the Wurm in mainboard.
Posted 22 May 2012 at 09:27


I agree that that Wurm is a great bomb, especially when you can play it 2 turns early to clear a weenie board and regain life lost to an aggro deck.

I will have to look into the alchemy idea more and try it out a bit, especially since the lich lets you reuse creatures you throw away. I have found that btw the ponder and rune-scarred demon (in my deck) that I have enough ways to get extra cards, but your version looks to have its own merits as it can set up your lich either with myrs or clones.
I may have to give it a serious whirl.
Posted 22 May 2012 at 13:19
