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R/B/U Aggro aka Kamikaze
Ahoy, everybody! Let me hear your opinions about my new deck, called "Kamikaze". It's an aggro deck, with combination of Vampires and Zombies, that is built around Blood Artist (he's brilliantly mad isn't he?), sacrificing your own creatures and destroying your opponent's creatures.
And here's the link:
8 posts
Posted 17 May 2012 at 17:44
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19 posts
I think you should drop the aristorcat for Exquisite blood and thatcher revolt for maybe... gravepurge. I think getting rid of the red will be okay and Exquisite blood, while expensive in this deck, will offer some serious power to the blood artist's effect. It will instantly double the amount of life you gain from the artist but, combined with BSZ, gravepurge, and the many wonderful sacrificial choices in your deck! While thatcher revolt guarantees you 3 creatures/3 damage/3life (yes, blood artist is a party!), gravepurge can reset you if you lose important creatures like the artist or the captain and it can refetch the messenger for those 4 damage points overall (since you must be tagretting him frequently!) instead of 3. And with the graveyard being a little more faded in this set, you may get gravepurge through more than thatcher revolt(against mana leaks and negates) since thatcher revolt in this deck says "Deal 3 damage to target opponent, you gain 3 life), but gravepurge won't change. It's less direct but, that subtlety will pay off. And if they are running heavy control/permission, you have plenty of good choices for sideboard. Sideboarding revolt will mess with your curve. Yes dual lands but, I would rather have extra blue mana. Something you can keep untapped to intimidate them into not playing. Worry them about mana leaks and such (at least game one... they should catch on by the end lol)...
All in all this is a very powerful deck for blood artist but, you have plenty of engines for damaging the opponent. And, since your creatures will mostly be defensive and the only humans you would pitch would be from thatcher revolt, AND since there is some anti-sacrifice stuff happening in AVR (Yes it applies as protection but, people always find a way!) I think those minor changes would make it more effective over the course of many matches.
But yes, this is a baller deck.
If you have time, please check out my U/G/R deck!
Posted 17 May 2012 at 21:37
8 posts
Thanks for your reply. Gravepurge is indeed a great addition to this deck, so i've replaced Thatcher Revolt's with it and also decided to keep the Falkenrath Aristocrats because of their sacrificing ability. I don't see Exquisite Blood very necessary for this deck, since life gain is only a secondary point of this deck and since their mana cost is 4B. (Hrrrr!)
Posted 18 May 2012 at 11:38
19 posts
That's a good point there! I was thinking mostly of the protection life gain can offer but, in retrospect, 5 cmc is a bit expensive in this environment for that kind of edge.
The sacrifice ability is certainly more in line with the aggressive self-destruction the deck wants to have; it definitely wasn't hurting you! haha
Posted 18 May 2012 at 20:38
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