Discussion Forum

Mono Green creatures

Hello everyone. I just got back in to the habit and it's taking over!

Any way... I created this deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=333230 and was looking for comments on making it better. I've only been able to test it against some other cheap decks that I've made and some premade AVR decks I've bought. Over all it just clobbers them and I know it's not a fair test of this deck.

I know it's not good against fliers but unless they can get out a bunch of 4/4 fliers before I kill them I'm not overly worried. What else might come my way that could hurt this deck?

I think I can safely replace the Boarderland Rangers, Boneyard Wurms, and Ambush Vipers with something else but I'm not sure what. Maybe something that flies or has reach but is still in the 2 to 3 CMC range.

Urban Nightmare (Living the dream...)
Posted 09 May 2012 at 20:31


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