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27 Days of Magic - Wolfsbane
Missed yesterday (was busy swearing at my TV as my Flyers stunk out the joint for a second straight game). Anyway, I drove into Winnipeg today, hoping to hit up Friday Night Magic at my local cardshop. Sadly, after driving for 3 hours, I got there 15 minutes after closing. Who knew that FNM was done by 7pm? So much for testing decks. There's a sealed deck tourney on Sunday, a PT Qualifier, but I've never drafted sealed deck before, so I don't know for sure if I'm going.
Anyway, this is my next deck to critique - Wolfsbane. It's a R/G werewolf deck. It has also had some success against my buddy G/W human deck, which is why it gets put up for ogling next. It can get down to business pretty quickly, with the Moonmists creating nastiness in a hurry, plus the Immerwolves meaning no chance of the weres returning to human form. It tends to be a little slow against token decks, though. I need some ideas for some help to make it either deadly faster, or to deal with the current W/G token weeniness, and with sideboard suggestions. It's pretty much Block legal, too (I think).
Here's the deck...
22 posts
Posted 05 May 2012 at 05:46
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