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Standard Deck Development
27 Days of Magic - Infected
Back again, with another deck for critiquing. This is probably my next most successful deck design... it even held its own against my buddy's powerful G/W human deck. It just seems to run out of steam in the endgame, unless I can get my Skithiryx or Sheoldred out.
The idea is to go for the poison kill. Again, this is my current revision, which I haven't tested yet. The original also had Pistus Strikes and Relic Putrescences, but they were dead cards when running against a deck without flyers or artifacts, so they are now the beginning of a sideboard. Hopefully, with fast weenies like the Glistener Elves and Plague Stingers, I can get opponents to worry about those. The Corpse Curs help with bringing Skith or Sheoldred back if they get killed. Again, it works good in the early game, but mid-game it seems to stall out. I had a Phyrexian Swarmlord, but it's not fast enough to support that many big guns.
Suggestions? I was thinking of getting my hands on a Lashwrithe and putting at least one in, but I am looking for ideas to either ramp up the mana (Harrows for Rampant Growths?) or maybe cut back on the creatures for more spot removal?
22 posts
Posted 02 May 2012 at 19:49
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