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Angelic token deck needs help!!

Hey, this is the start to my new deck. It's an angel token/enchantment deck. Any feedback would be VERY helpful.


Posted 01 May 2012 at 01:51


well your mana curve is pretty high so I would start by ditching all your spells over 5. In general you don't want to be playing too many auras since you can't cast them if you don't have any creatures on the board.

if you want empty throne to generate a lot of tokens then you want to be playing more enchants so they need to be cheaper. you also want your enchants to help you control the board and delay your opponent until you can get your token engine on deck.

cards I highly recommend:

Mesa Enchantress: you want to be playing enchantments and she lets you draw each time you do, which lead to more enchantments being cast.

Oblivion Ring: all purpose removal.

Ghostly Prison: slows down aggro decks

I've been fine-tuning my own version of this idea for over 3 years now and it's by far my best performing deck in multiplayer games, it's also fairly decent in casual duals.

Posted 01 May 2012 at 12:27


Hey, I checked out your deck. Nice! I (think I) improved my deck. I know I have a couple spells that cost 5 mana, and 1 that costs 6, but other than that I think i made some nice improvements and appreciate the feedback! Any more feedback would be much appreciated!
Posted 01 May 2012 at 19:09
