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Why is there so much removal in this game?
Red has five good burn spells for three or less mana, and a board wiper for flyers. Black has five good cards that give minus counters, plus GFTT, and BSZ. Blue has two great counterspells, snapcaster, and a one mana bounce spell. White has DOJ, Noir, FiendHunter, and ORing. Then there's ratchet bomb, and planeswalkers.
As a new MTG player why is there so much creature removal in this game? At this point people might as well just run one creature, protect the hell out of it with buffs and counterspells, and then run all creature removal after that to clear the way for the one creature to hit.
14 posts
Posted 14 April 2012 at 08:41
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Atheiset Gamre There is alot of removal but you gotta be carfal not to over extentend your self unless you have some way to get card advatage or cards like gitaxion probe which you can use even if your not blue you can see there hand and knowlege is power. also nevermore you can combo with probe or just say doj, slagstorm, bsz. But if your only just trying to protect one big creature its going to take say 6 mana to get it out. So thats going to take you say 4-6 turns to get out. Thats if you dont want to save mana to counter my dismember or oblivion ring. Or say i have Thali Guardian of Thraben it going take 5 turns to doj me but ill still recover with cards like Lead the stampede and Mentor or the meek or Creeping renaissance and those are only white green cards. Everyone should check out Magic <The Gathering Online 3> I can teach you the ropes if you want just message me. Its just like the real thing and if you live in the us and collect whole set online you can redeem it for the real cards. Supposobly id research more first hope that helps. And check out my deck
Posted 14 April 2012 at 18:48
14 posts
Blob that still doesn't answer my question. I know how to play the game. I'm just annoyed that people can run a deck that is 50% creature removal. It makes running tribal decks almost impossible, which in turn makes most of the cards in this block pointless.
Posted 15 April 2012 at 05:32
11 posts
[QUOTE=AtheistGamer]As a new MTG player why is there so much creature removal in this game?[/quote]
To answer your question, creatures are designed to be the primary way to defeat your opponent. There are usually more different creature cards in a given set than any other card type, so there is alot of creature removal so that players can deal with creatures in a way that suits them best. Notice that even though there's alot of spells that get rid of creatures, alot of them do it in a different way.
[QUOTE=AtheistGamer]At this point people might as well just run one creature, protect the hell out of it with buffs and counterspells, and then run all creature removal after that to clear the way for the one creature to hit.[/QUOTE]
Although it may be a bit over-simplified and cynical, that's basically my understanding of how control decks work. They stall their opponent until they can play their win condition, and by then it's usually too late.
Though TheBlob didn't specifically answer your question, he did address your concern. For every strategy there is a counter-strategy.
Control decks like to play at a slower pace (even aggro-control will be a little slower than a pure aggro deck). If you can out-pace them, then you will be the one in control. Countermagic can't remove creatures once they're on the battlefield, and your opponent will only have so many removal cards in their hand at a given time.
You can also play spells that are, or make your creatures, resistant to countermagic and removal. Anything that has hexproof, shroud, undying, indestructable, or protection will force your opponent to use a specific type of removal that they might not have in their hand, or even in their deck.
Play some spells that give you some card advantage. There are spells that let you draw cards, search your library, or even bring creatures back from your graveyard.
There are plenty of cards out there (standard-legal and otherwise) to help you defeat any control or burn deck. Although you can't prepare for every possible eventuality, your knowledge of what people like to play can help you prepare for most of it.
Posted 15 April 2012 at 07:54
10 posts
If you don't like removal, run "Thrun, the last Troll". Green sounds like your color mate.
Posted 23 April 2012 at 05:27
72 posts
It is just the nature of the game. ballances and counter ballances. That is why the game is so popular and stood the test of time. The current metta is VERY removal heavy. I have a budget friendly deck that I play at FNM and just steamroll with, check it out.
would love any imput on any of my sexy decks.
Deck link:
Posted 25 April 2012 at 20:12
19 posts
There's a butt load of removal because there's a bigger butt load of creatures, and powerful ones.
Plus, plenty of them protect themselves and each other from removal (e.g spellskite). The current environment is just HEAVY; that's all there is to it.
Posted 04 May 2012 at 22:33
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