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Choosing my deck
I'm getting into legacy and want to know if you guys have any recommended decks for me, I like merfolk, dreadstill, shot in the dark, and fish. Also I have a special place in my heart for counter top combo and I'm leaning towards dreadstill.
79 posts
Posted 04 April 2012 at 02:00
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- I don't know any archetype called shot in the dark, what is it?
- If you want to get into competitive legacy I'm afraid none of the decks you mentioned are concidered Type 1 decks right now.
The main reason merfolk (fish) and countertop decks have fallen from grace right now is the popularity of RUG Tempo (Delver decks). Merfolk is extremly vulnerable in a field that plays a lot of red (Red elemental blast/pyroblast is played a lot and Grim lavamancer is pretty popular too both kill merfolk).
The problem with countertop decks is that they are to slow right now.
Ever since Delver of Secrets hit legacy things changed, the combination of turn 1 threats (Delver, Goblin Guide, Nimble Mongoose) combined with Stifle, wasteland and Daze + Snapcaster Mage for reuse makes for an extremly aggresive new kind of tempo deck. Add lightning bolt, fire//Ice and Goyf to that and I can tell you it's hard to play through such a deck when you just don't get the chance of building up a manabase while you get beat down by a 3/2 flyer or a 3/3 shroud.
Some people still run countertop in side with success against some decks. In fact I think it is RUG Tempo that runs it agains combo.
As for dreadstill I don't think it was ever a good strategy. A 12/12 trample that cost you 2 cards isn't that big a deal half of the time even if you get it to resolve. There's a lot of creature removal being played and Snapcaster mage makes it all that much better. There's also a lot of discard and daze and force of will and basically a nightmare to get through with a 2 card combo that sets a 2 turn clock.
Landstill as an archetype has become a rogue deck as well. It's still a good deck if you can play it but the meta is so fast that it's become very hard to win with a pure control deck like landstill. Landstill builds of recent times basically win on Jace the Mindsculptor (best card in legacy) as only win condition. mishra's factory beatdown is still an alternative but it's become secondary. It's all about countering and killing threats every turn until you play jace and fateseal your opponent to death.
Good archetypes right now are Bladecontrol (and the new lingering souls Esper Blade), Aggro Bant (I like Green Sun's Zenith based Bant decks), Maverick and Punishing fire Maverick, RUG Tempo, UR Delver, Combo Elves, ANT, (maybe BUG Control).
If you want to play Phyrexian Dreadnought take a look at this build:
It looks pretty damn good. It's a tempo build rather then a control deck but these days that's probably the way to go. I was planning on play testing it once I get my hands on 3 more Phyrexian Dreadnoughs.
hope this helps
Posted 04 April 2012 at 12:18
79 posts
Shot in the dark is sword of the meek thopter foundry combo with support from a stoneblade style deck.
Posted 04 April 2012 at 16:15
79 posts
Shot in the dark is sword of the meek thopter foundry combo with support from a stoneblade style deck. Also I saw a tendrils storm and belcher deck that looked fun any idea of what it was, I saw it at the local legacy it went3-1.
Posted 04 April 2012 at 16:22
79 posts
i have decided i want to play spanish incquisition heres a list, the deck has about a 50% chance of a turn one kill and that chance goes up to about 90 by turn 3. (assuming no disruption)
2 Bayou
1 Eternal Witness
4 Elvish Spirit Guide
1 Odious Trow
2 Xantid Swarm
4 Lion's Eye Diamond
4 Land Grant
2 Culling the Weak
4 Cabal Ritual
4 Dark Ritual
4 Chrome Mox
4 Lotus Petal
2 Goblin Charbelcher
4 Cruel Bargain
4 Infernal Contract
4 Infernal Tutor
3 Tendrils of Agony
2 Ill-Gotten Gains
2 Grim Tutor
3 Cabal Therapy
Posted 13 April 2012 at 00:32
79 posts
im changing my deck list to:
1 Slithermuse
1 Goblin Charbelcher
3 Tendrils of Agony
4 Infernal Tutor
4 Infernal Contract
4 Cruel Bargain
1 Odious Trow
2 Manamorphose
4 Summoner's Pact
4 Elvish Spirit Guide
4 Lion's Eye Diamond
4 Lotus Petal
4 Chrome Mox
4 Dark Ritual
4 Cabal Ritual
4 Culling the Weak
4 Land Grant
1 Bayou
1 Dryad Arbor
1 Ill-Gotten Gains
1 Wild Cantor
SB: 2 Tomb of Urami
SB: 2 Goblin Charbelcher
SB: 3 Duress
SB: 4 Xantid Swarm
SB: 4 Carpet of Flowers
this list is faster and more consistent putting out turn 1 and 2 wins most of the time while sometimes i have to go to turn 3. the sb for the deck allows the control matchup to not be an auto lose and i board in at least the xantid swarm, carpet and duress against every blue deck.
Posted 14 April 2012 at 15:49
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