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Infect/Proliferate Deck Help please

Hey all,

This is my first deck so please bare with me.


The general idea is that you can't really stop proliferate.

Once I get an infect on the opponent, most of my cards are geared to proliferate until the opponent is done. This includes spells with proliferate, graveyard sacing to proliferate and regen, and creature abilities with proliferate.

Tell me what you think! Other comments on the deck description.


Posted 03 April 2012 at 06:33


Hmmm just realized this might not be the right forum for this deck... If not let me know sorry
Posted 03 April 2012 at 07:32


I've changed a few things around. I might want to add another Tezz Agent. Also I've thought about adding Phyrexian Obliterator to fight against mass creauture decks. Thoughts?
Posted 04 April 2012 at 23:36


Still looking for some help here.

I'll be honest. While killing someone off in less than 4 turns would have it's own pleasures. I'm trying to make this deck somewhat of a survival deck to have longer epic games with. Slowly ticking away at their remaining unpoisoned life. I love longer more complex games.
Posted 06 April 2012 at 23:54


Ok I've got the deck pretty much where I want it to start (Cheap). I know a few more things could be switched out to make it a bit faster. Feel free to check it out/comment/make any suggestions.

Thanks to Ryusei for a lot of help!

I hope you guys like it.

To note: Yes there are many cards I could throw in to ramp up the creatures, but I've tried to focus this deck on not depending on those ramps so that I can have a better deck mid to late game. Ramps can be countered/negated and seem undependable to me. You get the times they work out, but they can also be rendered useless very easily.
Posted 11 April 2012 at 20:58
