Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge: Vanilla

The challenge is to make a deck around the Future Sight enchantment Muraganda Petroglyphs.

1) Have fun
2) Deck must be based around Muraganda Petroglyphs.

1) Muraganda Petroglyphs gives a bonus only to creatures that have no rules text at all. This includes true vanilla creatures (such as Grizzly Bears), face-down creatures, many tokens, and creatures that have lost their abilities (due to Ovinize, for example). Any ability of any kind, whether or not the ability functions in the on the battlefield zone, including things like "Cycling :mana2:" means the creature doesn't get the bonus.

2) Animated basic lands have mana abilities, so they won't get the bonus.

3) Some Auras and Equipment grant abilities to creatures, meaning the affected creature would no longer get the +2/+2 bonus. For example, Flight grants flying to the enchanted creature. Other Auras and Equipment do not, meaning the affected creature would continue to get the +2/+2 bonus. For example, Dehydration states something now true about the enchanted creature, but doesn't give it any abilities. Auras and Equipment that grant abilities will use the words "gains" or "has," and they'll list a keyword ability or an ability in quotation marks.
Posted 21 March 2012 at 12:21


Surewhynot has a deck you should check out (if he doesn't post it himself), it's his Germ Tribal, which fits the bill here :)
Posted 21 March 2012 at 15:39


[QUOTE=SavajCabbaj]Surewhynot has a deck you should check out (if he doesn't post it himself), it's his Germ Tribal, which fits the bill here :)[/QUOTE]

http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=207040 <-- Germs


http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=180858 <-- Elephants

Boom =]
Posted 21 March 2012 at 16:26


My totally cheese entry: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=313154

Drop a muraganda petroglyphs with an opalescence out. Rite of replication/followed footsteps your petroglyph, then copy those tokens with Rhys. Blast them away with your massive morph creatures!
Posted 21 March 2012 at 22:49



Here's what I made during DedWard's name-a-challenge challenge. Broken Fall and Predatory Focus are nice ways to protect and buff creatures without ruining Petroglyphs, and Thelonite Hermit likes living in Muraganda: there he's a 4/4 who can turn into 17 power worth of guys
Posted 31 March 2012 at 01:29
