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HELP with human blue deck

I need some help. I want to build a blue white human deck around invisable stalker and blighted agent.

Here is the link to my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=304569

Can anyone offer me any help on what to take out and put in. I really like having a creature with poison that I can buff. I got beat by a red deck yesterday 5 times in a row before I finally won. Can anyone help? I like creativity!:)
Posted 02 March 2012 at 15:13


I would definitely take out a few basic lands and put in 4 Seachrome Coast (the UW land from Scars of Mirrodin). They are quite pricey now, but they will make your deck WAY more consistent (especially combined with the 4 glacial fortress).

Also I would take out 2 Feeling of Dread and put in 2 more Mana Leaks. I would probably even put the 2 Dissipate in your sideboard, take out 2 Bonds of Faith, and put 4 Oblivion Rings into your mainboard.

Also if you don't mind spending a little cash, think about running Thalia. She makes the game very much in your favor against most other decks. And Champion of the Parish is always a good one-drop to have! :)
Posted 02 March 2012 at 18:10
