Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge: Modern Starter Deck

Hey, so for my deck challenge, I want someone to try and make a build for a decent starter deck for Modern. The comic shop I go to is going to be bringing the format in soon and I really want to get involved in it. I've been throwing around decklists on to this site, but considering how pricey a bunch of the great cards are for Modern are (Looking at you shock/fetch lands....) I was wondering if someone could throw together a decent modern deck to start off with. I'd like for it to be around $150 or less and what would be even better is if it contained a good amount of cards I can find even more use for in later Modern decks. No limit on what specific cards to use, just make it around the price-range or less and playable in the Modern meta.
Posted 01 March 2012 at 21:39


Awesome that you're getting in to Modern, but a little more direction would go a long way in our ability to help. Any specific cards/colors/combos/playstyles you prefer to build around?
Posted 02 March 2012 at 00:09


[QUOTE=TheChurchIsHere]Awesome that you're getting in to Modern, but a little more direction would go a long way in our ability to help. Any specific cards/colors/combos/playstyles you prefer to build around?[/QUOTE]

No specifics really. I'm just trying to get a deck started that works decently with the meta and isn't expensive, so I would probably have to say: make it mono-colored to help keep the price down (less urge to do shock/fetchlands) or you can do duo-colored if you can keep it under the $150 budget.
Posted 02 March 2012 at 03:57


Task accepted and I have something you might like...

Posted 14 March 2012 at 05:41
