Discussion Forum

Infect and Discard Deck

I'm fairly new to Magic the Gathering and this is my first customized deck. Is there anything wrong with it? Or is there anything I just need to change for it to work?

4x [CARD="Blistergrub"]Blistergrub
4x [CARD="Plague Stinger"]Plague Stinger
2x [CARD="Sheoldred, Whispering One"]Sheoldred, Whispering One
4x [CARD="Typhoid Rats"]Typhoid Rats

4x [CARD="Arcane Teachings"]Arcane Teachings
2x [CARD="Megrim"]Megrim
2x [CARD="Painful Quandary"]Painful Quandary
4x [CARD="Phyresis"]Phyresis
2x [CARD="Evil Presence"]Evil Presence

13x Swamp
11x Mountain

2x [CARD="Mind Twist"]Mind Twist
4x [CARD="Dash Hopes"]Dash Hopes
2x [CARD="Volt Charge"]Volt Charge

2x [CARD="Burning Inquiry"]Burning Inquiry
2x [CARD="Khalni Gem"]Khalni Gem
2x [CARD="Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon"]Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon
2x [CARD="Melt Terrain"]Melt Terrain
2x [CARD="Go for the Throat"]Go for the Throat
2x [CARD="Reverberate"]Reverberate
4x [CARD="Dragonskull Summit"]Dragonskull Summit

This is also the deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=303074
Posted 28 February 2012 at 12:31


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