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Blue Red Delver
I'm taking this deck to a tournament this weekend, but don't have any time to test. I described each card's role in detail in the deck description. Anyone see anything I should change?
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Posted 23 February 2012 at 01:19
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Personally I would take Koth out of the sideboard and replace him with 2 Flashfreeze. Koth is really only good in a mono red deck since you will have a ton of mountains for his ultimate.
Also maybe consider dropping the Stromkirk Nobles and replacing them with 2 - 3 Chandra's Phoenix. This is my personal preference since it is a flyer with haste and essentially never "really" dies.
Brimstone Volley is hit or miss with me. I used to run it, but I found that I was always hanging onto it forever waiting for the morbid trigger. I decided to take out the 2 I ran and go to 4 Incinerate instead.
I'd say you need some more card draw also. Faithless Looting all the way!
I have my UR Delver list here, if you'd like to have a look at it.
Good luck!
Posted 23 February 2012 at 15:35
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I see what you mean about Koth, though I don't really expect to ullimate him very often. Not sure about flashfreeze though, don't feel like it's necessary. Already have 6 counters maindeck and 5 in the board. Perhaps the red Hero for the same reason.
I used to run phoenix, but I always felt that I'd rather be using something that could get in a little earlier. It didn't end up dying often enough to make the extra mana worth it, especially since it doesn't get any bigger.
The faithless looting I tried a little, but I found that I usually want everything in my hand, although it does work nicely with the lavamancer. Perhaps I will revisit it, but for now I think I'd rather save my mana for tempo spells or burn.
As for the volleys, they've done good by me. I usually use them for removal first without worrying about morbid, and then use snapcaster as a quick chump block to set up morbid for the flashback.
Posted 23 February 2012 at 17:39
3 posts
If you don't mind my asking, what is your reasoning for using Koth if you aren't trying to fire off his ultimate? Sure he can untap a mountain or give you lots of extra mountains, but all the stuff you are playing has a very low curve and doesn't require all that extra mana. I'd say it wouldn't be worth spending the 4 mana to get him out in the first place unless you were going to use the extra mana he can produce to drop an Inferno Titan or something. And since you are only running 20 land, it would be difficult to play him as a 7-drop to avoid a control deck mana leaking him.
Personally I like the Flashfreezes in the sideboard because they're a direct swap-out for Mana Leaks in terms of cost, and they can't be paid out by your opponent. So if you're playing against a deck with red, green, or both (i.e. Kibler's wolf run which is very popular), they won't have the opportunity to get by your counter by paying the extra 3.
Also the main reason I'd recommend some more card draw (Faithless Looting, Think Twice or Desperate Ravings) is to get your hands on your creature cards when you really need them. I found with mine that since there are so few creatures, they sometimes don't show up when you really need them. At least if you had some dig spells you can find them, or find an extra counter or burn spell when you really need it. And feeding the lavamancers is an added bonus :)
Posted 24 February 2012 at 18:53
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