Discussion Forum

My White/Green Human Deck: Vindication (Standard for FNM)

Please critique my deck, and tell me how I can make it better. I feel that I'm kind of hitting a wall when it comes to improving it, though I did get the idea earlier this week to splash some red into the deck via two mountains and three evolving wilds as well as some dual lands, so that I could run a few copies of Chandra, the Firebrand. I was thinking her -2 loyalty ability could be useful when used in conjunction with Faith's Shield, Mutagenic Growth, and especially Increasing Devotion.

Other than splashing red into the deck, how else could I make it more competitive in the upcoming FNM events?

Link to my deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=296791

Simple list of cards:


3x Angelic Overseer
4x Champion of the Parish
3x Mentor of the Meek
3x Thraben Sentry
3x Thraben Doomsayer
3x Deranged Outcast


3x Honor of the Pure
3x Oblivion Ring


4x Sunpetal Grove
10x Plains
8x Forest


3x Mutagenic Growth
2x Day of Judgment
3x Travel Preparations
3x Faith's Shield
2x Increasing Devotion


2x Aegis Angel
3x Nevermore
3x Slayer of the Wicked
3x Smite the Monstrous
1x Faith's Shield
3x Ray of Revelation
Posted 20 February 2012 at 03:51


replace Mutagenic Growth with Hunger of the Howlpack instead,
then the +1/+1 is permanent instead end of turn

Slayer of the Wicked, I can't see the point in that, and smite the monstrous as well.

Gather the Townsfolk is might more suitable and the otherone spell card with spirit creature is might better, not sure.
Posted 20 February 2012 at 10:17


I made a deck quite similar to this. in all honesty, i would say drop the angelic overseer. too high cast cost, and not really worth it for a 5/3 angel w hexproof and indestructible... sure it can withstand a day, but that is done right after the day is gone. why not try using say... hero of bladehold, or wolfbitten captive? wolfbitten comes in as a human, pumps your champion, and then pumps itself... sure, it may not stay on it. but it can be a mean hit turn 2 or 3... thats much faster than waiting and hoping on angelic overseer...

As wel, as much fun as travel preparations "SEEMS" to be, its really not all that great. you get to put 1x 1/1 counter on TWO creatures. you can't put them both onto one. correct me if im wrong.... I would say to use a gather the townsfolk... sacrifice the 2 to deranged outcast, put 2x 1/1s onto a creature for each sacrificed... then put two morbid cast hunger of the howlpacks...?

so swing with everything.... once blockers are declared, sacrifice a human token to deranged outcast. +2+2 onto that creature. then hunger of the howlpack on the same, giving it another +3+3... theres a creature which now has +5+5... put that onto your sentry, your sentry now becomes a 10/9. because a human died mid combat, he flips, gets +5+5. now hes a 10/9.

also where are the Gavony Township??

so i say...

3x Angelic Overseer
3x Mutagenic Growth
3x Travel Preparations
1x Plains
1x Forest

3x Hero of Bladehold
3x Hunger of the howlpack
3x Gather the townsfolk
2x Gavony Township


sideboard.... you need

Ratchet bombs
Celetial Purge
Nihil Spellbomb even if you cant draw a card...
revoke existance
grafdiggers cage
possible marrow shards...
Posted 23 February 2012 at 04:24
