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RUG/Naya control, or Mono G Foggro?
So I had this idea that sounded pretty good. It was R/W control, running 12+ board wipes in the main (3 Whipflare, Slagstorm, Day of Judgment, Blasphemous Act, and 2-3 Sunblast Angel), and 8 Fog effects (4 Fog & Moonmist/Clinging Mists). The deck would also run 2-3 Curse of the Nightly Hunt to walk creatures into a Sunblast Angel or just power up a Gideon's Avenger then red board wipe for less damage than my Avenger can take (maybe have a 5/5 or bigger Avenger, then Slagstorm). The deck sounds good to me, because I could even add 2 Sun Titan as alt win and/or recursion of my Avenger(s). Red also has the option of Fling which could just mean death, if my Avenger is big enough.
But then I realized there's 4 Fog effects in the format, which makes me want to just play turbo Fog, but then I still need good win conditions. I figure the best way to do turbo Fog is RUG, for Desperate Ravings, Think Twice, and Snapcaster Mage. That'll allow for Frost Titan and Inferno Titan win conditions (in addition to Wurmcoil Engine, of course). It would even allow for counter spells if need be.
Here's the decklist I currently have put together (but have not play tested yet, I just did it yesterday), it's RUG board control:
However, when goldfishing/solitaring, it seems like it's pretty nice in concept, with so many board wipes, 8 of which don't kill anything in my deck. I don't know how it'll do against control (but I'm guessing lose pre-sideboard). I'll basically need more options in the sideboard against control (Reverberate), because it's main boarded against creature decks. Here's my other ideas:
Original Naya idea:
Modified Naya:
Now the other idea I had was G Foggro: The point of this deck is to ramp turn 1, then Sword turn 2, and Equip and swing turn 3 (maybe play a Strangleroot Geist before equipping and swinging). Because of Sword of War and Peace, it can swing through most aggro decks (most are largely R/W), and hit early and hard. A 4/3 with a Sword on turn 3 swinging seems pretty good. The deck also mulligans pretty well, in theory, because all you really need for a solid opening hand is 2 lands, 1 ramp creature, and a Sword. Then the Garruk, Primal Hunter is just to replenish the hand.
So that was a lot to read, sorry. But what do you think? I'm open to all suggestions.
1 post
Posted 11 February 2012 at 11:20
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