Discussion Forum

chalice of life

I am wondering if chalice of life and gnaw to the bone would be a legitimate way to win a match? would that be an okay play in draft or sealed? I want to know your opinion because I've passed up that combo more times than I can count. Now I am wondering if that was a good call.
Posted 07 February 2012 at 23:04


It might be worth it. It depends on what type of deck you're using, vs what colors and such. It'd be easier to use in a white/black deck.

I think I made black vamps deck based around this, sangromancer and Elixir of immortality.

A few despises, geth's verdicts when you have a sangromancer out, and you pretty quickly gain HP.
Posted 08 February 2012 at 01:59


In a limited format the Chalice of Life is almost never going to be flipped. There are a few cards, such as Gnaw to the Bone that are exceptions to the rule, but hitting the one chalice you drafted and the one or two Gnaw to the Bone just to get an artifact that will likely end up being removed? I'd rather just draft two solid creatures/removal in it's place and if I have the cards pushed to me later on maybe run them as a one of just to see how it goes.
Posted 14 February 2012 at 08:08


you dont even need gnaw to the bone...look at this deck (created it yesterday)
hope this helps
Posted 14 February 2012 at 13:27


I think the OP is talking about using the chalice in limited format. That means sealed and draft, not constructed. It's not hard to build a deck that uses it well in standard, it's nearly impossible when your card pool is random and you might only have access to 2 or 3 cards required.
Posted 14 February 2012 at 18:27
