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Vamp vs Zombie.

So I'm having a lot of trouble against my friends deck. I find I have a win Ratio of 40/60% against it. And wondering if there's anything I can do to improve my odds. Without changing the theme (Mono Red Vamps) And I've heard mono red vamps are weak overall, but I've played about 20 games of standard and won 15 of them, so I'm content with it (Not counting the battle of these 2 deck battles)

http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=285888 This is the deck I run with usually.

This is her deck


My biggest issue with this is, it's anti creature deck, and my deck is kind of creature based. As I was making this topic I remembered the new version of pyroclasm(WhipFlare) and decided to add it to a sideboard to see if anyone thought it was worth while.

The problem I seem to have is, unless I get a good hand or she had a bad hand, things seem to be hard to balance. Even with a good hand. I have to put up 4 turns before I can use a witchbane orb. So I'm not sure if there's some things I can do to tweak this deck.

Or just give up with trying to make it worth anything.
Posted 01 February 2012 at 19:01


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