Discussion Forum

Zombie Aggro Mill deck?

:manab::manau: Aggro Mill
Wondering if it would be possible to run with Undead Alchemist as a milling Deck.
Along with the aggro damage from 1-2 mana drop cards, the control of creature removal.
Getting like 2-3 out even doubles the number of cards that do into the graveyard from damage. Add some more Milling cards, swarm with 2/2 tokens and good game?

Let me know your ideas. Thanks
Posted 26 January 2012 at 09:51


It would be possible but given that a lot of decks are focused on self-mill and/or graveyard casting, mill as a win condition in Standard is more likely to shoot yourself in the foot than to provide a solid deck.
Posted 26 January 2012 at 18:08


Let them mill themselves, i'll have a bunch of 2/2 zombies coming at'em!
Posted 27 January 2012 at 00:08
