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Standard Deck Ideas (Help?)

So I started playing magic about a year ago and so far I've been doing rather well, I guess. But my decks have been really falling behind and I've been doing worse and worse in local tournaments. The meta here is really intense, mostly split between solar flare and township tokens. Most of the regular players are pros and I just get consistently flattened.

Would really appreciate any good deck ideas, I'm running out of inspiration. White black has always been my favorite colour combo. But I've been trying various delver builds, none of them have stood any chance.

Any help would be really appreciated
Posted 24 January 2012 at 22:53


There are tons of deck ideas out there, and sometimes the most simple can be the easiest to win with.
Mono white Humans is a deck concept that is quite strong right now, and I believe will continue to be in the future. The deck has access to some of the strongest removal in the format, including Oblivion Ring and sideboard cards such as Celestial Purge.
Not to mention it's a simple concept to build around.
Champion of the Parish fits this deck as a solid playset every time. Hero of Bladehold is a great turn 4 drop, and Mirran Crusader just fits.
Add in some utility cards like Gideon's Lawkeeper and Honor of the Pure and you're almost done the deck.

Don't get me wrong, its not perfect... but no deck is. Even CawBlade had it's flaws. But hardly anyone looked for it, instead they just built around a CawBlade shell.

Want to make the humans seem more like a control threat? Add in blue and throw in Delver of Secrets. He's still a human. He still pumps up that Champion. And if he flips, well, you just got an even bigger human that flies! This also opens up the options of using counter magic or efficient draw spells.

Another idea I haven't seen jumped into yet: Red/White tokens.
Yeah, it sounds odd, but with access to cards like Instigator Gang those tokens can hit HARD. Especially with a Hero of Bladehold and/or Hero of Oxid Ridge in play.

Hopefully I've given you some ideas... they are always out there!
Posted 26 January 2012 at 21:45


Thanks a lot for the suggestions! White's always been a colour I enjoy playing and I'll definitely keep that in mind.

And yeah, I'm not looking for "The perfect deck" Just something I can have some fun with but still something I can bring to FNM.

I appreciate your advice, thanks
Posted 26 January 2012 at 22:17


This is a great deck http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9md3-jaocnA
Posted 18 August 2012 at 08:35


idk about anyone else, but the most powerful deck type near me at the mo is naya pod/aggro. heres the raw idea:

23ish land
4 pod
4 birds
4 elvish visionary
4 SRgiest
2 borderland ranger
2 huntmaster
4 resto angel
2 conscripts
2 thragtusk
1 norn
1 wurmcoil
3 blade splicer

i have only seen this lose in miror matches and agaist the absolute top players in my local store.

you can mess with the exact numbers fr this deck a lot depending on your own meta, some examples ive seen are;

sun titan
young wolf
fiend hunter
captin o t watch
ascidic slime
stormblood beserkers
bonfire of the damned
Posted 19 August 2012 at 09:05


1. Mox Opal
2. Angelic Destiny
3.Sword of feast and Famine
4.Sword of War and Peace
5.Sword Of Body and mind

You just might end up with something like this:

I call This Deck I love Haters, Cause you will have alot of haters.

Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=369333

Also Grand Abolisher Is Pretty GRAND In Standard.
Posted 24 August 2012 at 17:19
