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green elfish deck (new to deck buildin)

hi i'm new to building my own decks as ive mainly played with other peoples or prebuilt ones, so dcided i wanted to try and build a pure green elfish style deck, my first attempt altough it worked was too cluttered so i've made this one as a second attempt, i haven't had chance to test it yet as im waiting for 1 or 2 cards to turn up. any way any advice would be very much appreciated,

cheers john


i know the side board can only be 15 card - but they are cards i am thinking of adding removing or taking down the number.

i am also contemplating changing gladecover elves to another elf card (suggestions very welcome) and removing strata scythe for 4 more forest (is this a good idea?)

thanks for looking and cheers for any ideas
Posted 22 January 2012 at 11:21


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