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Anyone on? and can give me adivce with red black standard?


This is the deck idea i had but not sure any help would be lovely:p
Posted 22 January 2012 at 09:56


It's not to bad, I assume this is a burn deck. Personally. I'd replace at least 2 if not all 4 with Goblin war paint.

In my personal experience, it's better to have some buffs for creatures so they don't get locked out or beaten before they have use.

all your creatures can be taken out with a single pyroclasm or Volcanic fall out, though you have plenty of instants to damage out your opponent. You have little defense in my opinion.

Turning a vampire outcast to a 4/4 or a 6/6 could easily win you the game.
Posted 26 January 2012 at 07:30
