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UB control, tips would be helpful

This is my first UB control deck.

Most of the info is in the deck description when you view it but I still need help on best ways to play it. Ideal opening hand?

I mostly need help focusing on priority. I watch so many videos of players knowing exactly what order or when to counter, summon, leave mana open, flashback, etc...

I won the first 4 games I played with my deck at 70 cards then lost the next 3. 2 of which I lost because I didnt time things right and played to defensive or wasnt aggressive enough. The last one I lost because my buddy got a massive army of WW humans out... I just couldnt keep up with the counter and I was tapping out every mob. Ive cut it down to 60 cards in hopes of more consistency but would like some imput on my choices and what I could do to make it smoother and more consistent.

Speed decks seem to pull my deck apart.

Any advise would be appreciated.

Posted 11 January 2012 at 13:48


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