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New Player - B/U Zombie/Control deck advice
I'm a new player getting back into Magic after a long absence, and I'd love some advice or pointers on a deck I've been refining for the last couple weeks. My goal is to control the opponent in the early stages while building the zombie horde and pulling out some heavier hitters in the end game.
Also, I'd love some possible advice on a sideboard. Are there essential cards I should have?
I'm just playing casually right now, but would like to get into a more competitive constructive scene with FNMs and possible tournaments. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
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Posted 05 January 2012 at 03:17
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This U/B combo seems to be a popular choice atm!
I've also recently returned back to MTG and decided on a control U/B deck.
This is mine if you want to compare. :)
I've found that Levitation is very situational and I SB'd mine for when I played decks that had flying rather than keeping it in (although I find the idea of flying zombies awesome ^^)
I've also found that while a nice 1 drop, the Diregraf ghoul is better suited for rush decks and I found that the fact it comes out tapped more of a hindrance in the later game. However that's just personal opinion ^^
Call to the Grave is really nice and if you can manage to pull off a Army of the Damned/Endless/Titan combo then that's a *lot* of tokens!
Also with the majority of your cards being 3 cost and the fact that Titan costs 6 with Army being 8, are you sure 22 land will be enough?
I hope this has helped and good luck with the deck building! ^^
Feel free to diseminate my deck as I'm still tweaking mine :D
Posted 12 January 2012 at 02:02
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