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Need deck help!

I'm working on a black and white"unlife" deck. Any suggestions?

2 Kitchen Finks ($3.99)
2 Shriekmaw (.99)
3 Murderous Redcap (.49)
3 Laquatus' champion (.37)
2 Magus of the disk (.79)
3 Blind hunter (.19)
2 Deathbringer liege ($7.99)

1 Wound reflection (.99)
2 Diabolic tutor (.25)
1 Grimoire of the dead ($2.49)
1 Keening stone (.99)
2 Mortify (.49)
2 Pillary of sleepless (.19)
2 Pyrrhic Revival (.49)
2 Martial coupe ($2.99)
2 Pyhrexian rebirth (.37)
1 Spreading plague (.37)
1 Necro mancers covenant (.49)
2 Nihil spell bomb (.25)
2 Suffer the past (.25)

2 Isolated chapel ($4.49)
2 Tainted field ($1.49)
4 Bojuka bog (.25)
8 Swamp
8 Plains
Posted 15 December 2011 at 18:58


This very Good white black deck and simple to play take a look!

Posted 18 December 2011 at 21:43


Pyrrhic revival, necromancer's covenant, and Grimoire of the dead all seem to work against one another, I am not entirely sure why you want to have Pyrrhic revival in here in the first place. I would get rid of the pyrrhic revivals and the grimoires of the dead, and then use the card space to try upping the amount of necromancer's covenant. (Either that or drop the covenant for more grimores if you want recursion from your own graveyard). You may want to try using life's finale instead of Phyrexian rebirth, but that isn't all that important.
Posted 20 December 2011 at 05:07
